Emotional Rescue, 2024
70 x 49 x 45 inches
inventory: anxiety, aquarium hose, carabiners, cowboy boots, crochet needles and quilts, disco balls, dock cleat, earplugs, emoji key, extra, chain and radio, extension cord, fabric, fidget toys, gas connector, grief, hope, hospital identification bands are mine, innocence, iPad, hula hoops, law label, LED rope lights, meat hook, microfiber dust covers, music, onesie satin, oxygen mask, Polyfil stuffing, pool noodles, porcelain figurine, performance video, pipe cleaners, pillows, pulley, PVC pipe, rage, Rolling Stones, rope, rosary beads, rotary phone, rubber cleaning gloves, rubber sheets, safety pins, scouring pad, shoes I will never wear again, silicone elbows, Slinkys what walks down stairs alone or in pairs and makes a slinkety sound, spring clamps, stainless steel hose clamps, synthetic wig red because you’re worth it, T-pins, tape measurer, teddy bear, television remote control, toggle stoppers, toy soldiers, vacuum hose, vinyl tubing, zip ties